Sunday, May 29, 2011


I’m going to Hawaii! My flight leaves in 9 days from the great place of Lynchburg, VA and a few hours after that I’ll be landing in one of the most beautiful places on earth…Kahului, Hawaii. While it may be physically beautiful though, it is a dark and lost place spiritually. Many tribes and cults are present in this beautiful state and as a result the Christians are discouraged and losing momentum. I, along with about 10 other people, will be going to refuel their fires if you will. We plan to start by re-painting some walls in a Christian day school and cleaning up around a small church where we are staying. Working on these small projects will hopefully bring about feelings of a new start for the locals.

So here’s the BIG NEWS…I want you to come along! I’ll hopefully be updating this blog on a regular basis and I would love you for you to keep up with us, pray for us, and soon enough you’ll feel like you’re in Hawaii too!! Feel free to leave comments and ask questions! And check out for more information about our trip and organization.

I hope you’re just as excited as I am to be going on this God glorifying journey!