Sunday, November 27, 2011

Love unspoken isn't love at all

I've been learning a lot about love lately. I must admit, it's odd to keep thinking about love when it's Thanksgiving/Christmas time. I mean isn't this supposed to be a time of thankfulness and remembering that Jesus was born in a manger? But with each instance, experience, and story I'm overwhelmed with love. Today at Blue Ridge our pastor talked about love and how in Revelation 2 the church at Ephesus was confronted about abandoning their first love. And as I sat there at the end of the service writing my love note to God on my little card I was truly reminded about how much I love Him. I had the urge to write 'I love God' everywhere! But daggone it, there's not a more cliché statement in the Christian repertoire of sayings. I think it's because love is kinda sad in our doesn't work and it's weak. Writing 'I love [insert Drake, sappy Christmas movie, or favorite food]' is lame, let's be honest. But love, real love, is powerful. It is deep and moving. It causes us to do crazy things. It begs us to recklessly abandon ourselves. It shatters comfort zones. It is wild and explosive. It is all-consuming and uncontrollable and relentless. And I love Him. I want all of those things to describe my relationship with the One I love. And I want everyone to know I'm crazy about Him. Because believe me, if I was in love with a guy...I'd tell the world. It'd be a big deal.

So here's to saying 'I love You' every night before I fall asleep. Here's to thinking about Him all the time and talking about Him whenever I get the chance (thank you, Tim Tebow, for talking about this on national television. Missed it? here to watch!). Here's to writing Him love notes when I'm bored in class and talking to Him when I'm in between classes and taking study breaks just to spend time with Him. He is the One I love, the One I'm crazy about. Call me weird, but I just simply cannot help but talk about it. 
Because love unspoken just isn't really love at all now is it?