Tuesday, April 17, 2012

like a sponge

i'm soaking it all in.
Graduation is a short 25 days away and I was overwhelmed today by the inevitable...i'm gonna miss this place. So much so, Erin and I stayed after class sorting through boxes and boxes of PE equipment and taking orders from Dr. Farver...willingly! As bad as my head hurt from that polyurethane on the new floor and as hungry as I was from not eating lunch, we stayed until almost every box was emptied and flattened. And I hope I never forget it. The excitement of a new gym to teach in, the things we learned about what NOT to do when designing a new facility, the way Dr. Farver taught me how to tie a slip knot in all the drawstring bags, & the funny looks we gave each other when we couldn't even figure out what a lot of the equipment was supposed to be.

I have the best major. Most people think it's a joke. But the fact that obesity is an epidemic in our country is not a joke. The statistics saying that 1 in 3 girls will become pregnant before age 20 is not a joke. Teaching health and physical education to students is my passion, and I'm thankful for professors who have fueled that passion. I'm graduating from Liberty University in 25 days not just with a diploma, but with a family. People who were strangers 3 short years ago have become so precious to me.

So in the next few weeks if you see me out in the courtyard just staring off into space or sitting in "Schilling TWO" not doing a thing or taking pictures of random stuff on campus, don't worry...I'm just soaking it all in.