Monday, February 24, 2014


I don't know exactly why we started describing words as empty, but I am convinced we can do so only because of the fall. sin. the flesh. Our mouths have the ability to say whatever we want. The tongue- it's untamable (James 3:8). And our bodies are unable to back it up. I come home at night and wonder how many things I said today that were empty; flat. 

"I'll call you tonight."
"We'll get to that later."
"I'm praying for you."
"You can do it tomorrow."
"I'll come visit soon."

Sometimes I forget. Other times I just change my mind. Life gets in the way of some of my words. Whatever the case, empty words have been spoken. And I think of the empty words spoken to me. 

I grew up in a broken family. I've known many guys. And I've gone through my share of friends. Needless to say, in my short 23 years on earth, empty words have not been lacking. I'm surrounded by them- because I speak them so often myself. What was it that Paul said? Something about how we can trust the fact that Jesus came to save sinners... "...of whom I am chief" (1 Timothy 1:15). yeah. that's me. just call me Chief. 

I don't think Jesus has been teaching me about empty words because He wants me to feel defeated though. He has something more for me, as always. The little nuggets of truth that He keeps bringing to mind or putting in my way continue to point me to Himself. Another Chief, if you will. Yet He is not Chief of words-empty or words-flat or words-useless or words-untrue. that's me. Christ...He is Chief of words-full. always. forevermore. no matter what. 

He spoke only words that were true. He always backed them up. And not only for people then but for people now; for chiefs like me. It's thousands of years later and His words are STILL FULL; still beaming and brimming with life and hope and promises.  

So when you're feeling disappointed because all you're hearing are empty words, there's a place to go. A person to know. a Chief. who never lets you down or speaks words of uncertainty. a Rock. unmovable. unshakable. alive. true. full. always. forevermore. no matter what.