Saturday, September 29, 2012

Jesus loves the little children...

The hoarseness of my voice has been a constant reminder for the last week and a half that I have very little patience with children. Don't get me wrong, I love kids. They bring joy and laughter to almost any situation. They sing and dance and say the darndest things. But when it comes to teaching them a skill (such as sliding or galloping) in PE class, they become wild little jumping beans who can't stay quiet. In the most strange way they become like magnets with each other, always hugging or pushing or just touching their classmates. At some points, I even think their ears have fallen off because not one, not a single one, has done what I have asked. More times than I can count I have stopped, closed my eyes, and called upon the name of Jesus. I say over and over, "Jesus, please give me patience," and, "Pleaseeeee help me to love these little hellions." 

I wish fairy dust would fall from the sky and cover me in patience when I pray that. I almost expect to have this sudden love for each of the children. But of course, none of that happens. I am still in a gym full of elementary students running and yelling and shoving. Probably because God doesn't want me to just ask for patience in my moments of annoyance. He wants to develop it in me so it lasts. He wants me to want more patience not so my job is easier but because He is patient with me. 

This, of course, didn't hit me until late last week. I was driving to school and in frustration kinda talking to God about how easily I get annoyed with the students. I blame some of it on not being a mom. I just don't have that mercy and grace that comes with being a mom. It annoys me when they cry and when they just stand there and don't want to participate. Then the Holy Spirit stepped in and reminded me of something: 

I was trying to get something that I already have access to

He loves children. He has infinite patience with youngsters. So the more I empty me of myself and let the Holy Spirit work through me the more patient I will be. 

My voice is still scratchy. And I still teach rowdy students. But the Holy Spirit helps me to laugh more. He gives me discernment as to when to stand there and wait for the students to get quiet instead of yelling and yelling until they listen. He's opened my eyes and now it's so easy for me to understand why all these children are so precious in His sight.

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