Friday, October 19, 2012


Have you ever been rescued?

I found myself in a rescue-worthy situation today. Student teaching with a substitute is a lot more difficult and terrible than it sounds. Trust me. I knew it was gonna be a long day when she got lost (who knows where) with half of my 6th grade class during first period. It only got worse from there. 

Without getting into too much detail, two fellow co-workers pulled out the drawing board halfway through the day and devised a plan to come save me. With a flawless plan and expert tactics they rescued me. 

I don't think I've ever been rescued. I don't think I have ever been in a dire situation that I needed to be rescued from. But today I caught a glimpse of what it feels like to be rescued. To be taken from a place of hopelessness to a place full of life. There's nothing quite like it. And as I am thinking back to the happenings of the day, I think forward to tomorrow morning. 

Tomorrow morning I am running a race. Not just to run or to have fun or to hang out with a bunch of cool people; but to rescue. I am running to rescue women from sexual slavery. I am running for their lives. []

If you've ever been rescued, you might have a tidbit of an idea of what you can do for these girls and women. You can help them leave hopelessness and fear and shame behind and lead them on to freedom and hope and life and laughter and JESUS. What better rescue could there be? 

If you can't participate tomorrow, there are many other things you can do to help the girls and women caught in sexual slavery. Visit these websites and become part of a rescue team:

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


"October gave a party; 

The leaves by hundreds came - 

The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, 

And leaves of every name. 

The Sunshine spread a carpet, 

And everything was grand, 

Miss Weather led the dancing, 

Professor Wind the band."

George Cooper

i LOVE this month. it's the best.
and today is a spectacular day.
two special, special people were born on this day...

[^she took me to Wegmans for the first time!]
 Liz Bell: manager turned best friend. My friendship with her is unlike any other. She has taught me what it's like to passionately enjoy something, whether it's food or nail polish or family or Starbucks. We've laughed until we've cried countless times. I've seen her live out faith. She's one of the most beautiful girls I know, in every sense of the word. I am a better employee, college student, twenty-something girl, & Christ follower because I can call her a friend. I love her. 

Luke Crouthamel: cousin. The fact that this kid is family just leaves me feeling so blessed. Anyone who knows Luke knows that he is the man. Really. I respect him more than 9/10th of the guys I know. His pursuit of Jesus is undeniable, even in his every day decisions. He is fun and crazy, reminding me so much of the way my own brother used to be. I thank the Lord every opportunity I get for Luke and the relationship we have. I am a better cousin, daughter, sister, future girlfriend, intramural sports player, & PE teacher because he is my cousin and friend. I love him. 

I hope you celebrate birthdays. I hope you know the birthdays of the people in your life. And don't just acknowledge them on facebook. Send them a funny text, take them balloons, eat cupcakes with them, hug them until they can't breathe. Because birthdays are meant to be celebrated! People are meant to be celebrated!! :]