Tuesday, July 19, 2011

our good, His glory.

I am positive that if I were to write of all that is on my mind and to tell you of the things that have happened since I went to camp 8 days ago it would take somewhere around 30 blog posts. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to write it all so I will condense as much as I can into 1 action and emotion packed post. Get excited!:)

First off- glory to God, glory to God, glory to God forever! What a great God I serve! I have seen Him in so many different ways this past week and not once have I regretted it or wished He was any different. I love Him and I am humbled to be able to have a small glimpse of who He is. You must understand that the things I write about are a direct influence of His Spirit. We do nothing on our own.

Camp this year was something I will never forget. We got excited about the day we were born again, whether it was just the day before or 15 years ago. It's a story that we should never stop telling! God is powerful and mighty to save, that never gets old. He saved old kids and young kids this past week. They accepted His gift during morning worship and during evening service, in their cars and in the cabins. I've never seen anything like it. I heard one of my best friends tell the story of how she felt the Spirit for the first time. I heard another friend stand up and passionately talk about the Lord and what He's done in his life- something I'd been praying for him to do. I saw the desire to win competitions and to be the best just melt away in comparison to the joy and excitement we felt about spiritual things. There were moments when all we wanted to do was shout to the Heavens...at times it felt like that was the only thing we could do. It was so hard to even respond to how He chose to work among us. We were so humbled yet so empowered at the same time. For the first time, I truly understood what it meant to say, "I'll become even more undignified than this, some may say it's foolishness. I'll become even more undignified than this, leave my pride by my side." Tell me there is no God and I will tell you about July 10-16, 2011 and what He did at a little West Virginia camp by the river.

Specifically over the last day or two I've been learning how God works in our lives. I've learned the importance of picking up the phone and calling, yes calling, no- not texting, but calling someone and talking to them. Whether it's about something you're going through or something you know they are going through. Text messages, facebook messages, and emails do not always suffice. God made us to help and love each other and we can't do this life alone. Many times we go through a situation to help someone else get through the same situation in their lives. We don't always see immediate reasons for why we have to deal with what we do but if we trust God long enough we almost always see why. He never fails to work things out for our good and His glory. So tonight I am laying a lot at the feet of the only One who cares enough to take it all upon Himself and exchange it for peace that passes understanding. A missed opportunity, frustrating people, fears and failures, goodbyes, a bad attitude, unknown futures, selfish ideas, a heavy heart...those are just at the beginning of the pile. Would you like to join me? Because I'm already feeling better. His yoke truly is easy and His burden is light. Never have I known Someone so faithful. My problems are starting to grow dim in the light of His goodness.

I've listened to this song a hundred times today. "Can You hold me together? Because without You holding my heart I'm falling apart."

But after talking to some close friends, remembering all God has done in my life recently, and getting alone with Him, I'm going to bed singing this song...

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