Monday, August 29, 2011


While we haven't always agreed with or understood each other, I can't deny the difference you've made in other people's lives. Just last week I was in a class with someone I didn't know and he looked at me and asked if you were my brother. When I said yes he proceeded to tell me what a great guy you are. I don't even think you know him but he saw you play basketball and just in the way you played and your attitude he gained respect for you. [And I'm just adding that to the 47328439 times that someone has known we were siblings because we look so much alike. I'm sure it won't be the last time.] So even though you're not at Liberty anymore people haven't forgotten you or the example you were to them. I'm grateful for that, even though I don't tell you. I don't mind when others associate me with you because they always have good things to say about you. It's a blessing to have a brother who loves the Gospel more than girls and can ball a thousand times better than he can play video games. So here's to you...

 to all the photos we've posed for
 to all the games we've played together
 to all the times you put up with my mischievous self
 to the times we got along
 to the times when we worked together just to get through
 to the times we tried to be cool
and to the times I'll never forget.

I love you and I'm excited for the life you have in front of you. Never stop pursuing Him and presenting the Gospel. HE is worth everything.

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