Thursday, July 5, 2012

Flipped upside down

"I know it sounds goofy, but I want to be like that Jeep. I want to leak from having been hit by Jesus. From having something crazy happen to me, something that flipped my life upside down. I've met people like that, people who leak Jesus. Whenever you're around them, Jesus keeps coming up with words and with actions. I don't suppose everybody gets hit by Jesus, but those of us who have talk about Him differently. We start steering funny; we start leaking where we stand. And it's because we got thrown from our lives in a terrific collision."

This is an excerpt from the book I just finished reading, Love Does (the book I mentioned in an earlier post about changing my life). I finally finished it yesterday while watching people get slammed by waves at Makenna Beach on Maui. I like this chapter because it talks about what it's like to know Jesus. Many people think they can call themselves Christians and pretend to know Jesus while they live the same lives as people who don't know Him. But like this chapter in the book explains, He flips our lives UPSIDE DOWN. It's radical. It's crazy. It means we do the opposite of what we think we should do (like love those who are mean to us and give not money or clothes but our very lives). 
I want to live an upside down life like Jesus did. I want to cause controversy and do things that other people think are reckless and crazy. Which is why I hopped on a plane last week and flew to Maui to surprise some of my favorite people. It didn't make a lot of sense for me to come...I got a job I was loving and spending time with some good friends. Coming here was a lot of money and time that I wasn't sure I had to give. But following Jesus involves getting up and going. While Jesus was ministering, He was always on the move...talking, loving, healing, preaching. And I felt it was time to get up and go, go back to a place I left my heart last summer. So even though it doesn't make sense to a lot of people or even to me sometimes, I know that I am here for such a time as this. And even though it isn't all cheese and rice...I know I am supposed to be here. 
So pray with me? Pray for this island. Pray for the children we have at our camps. Pray we give ourselves up like Jesus did for us. I'm hoping in these next few days I will be so tired and exhausted at night because I gave everything I have. I want Jesus to be famous. I want to show these youth that only in the presence of Jesus will they be made whole. And if they'll let Him, He'll come in and flip their lives upside down so they leak Him wherever they go.

I have a video of surprising the team...I've been trying for dayyyyys to upload it but the internet must not be good enough. So I cannot wait to get home and show you all! I'll be able to explain more about the surprise and my time here later, now we're just so busy. But feel free to call me or text me or message me on facebook if you have any questions or comments. Our team always loves encouragement from the mainland:)

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