Monday, June 6, 2011


If you haven’t read Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick I highly recommend it. I will warn you though, it’s life changing. It will make you feel uncomfortable at times but in the end, you’ll be dreaming God-size dreams and seeing Him work in ways you never thought possible. READ IT. Today’s post is based off of it.

"If the size of your vision for your life isn’t intimidating to you, there’s a good chance it’s insulting to God."

Do you have a vision for your life? Are you making deliberate steps toward who you want to be or something you want to accomplish? Going into my last year of college, I’ve realized just how important it is to ask these questions. It’s tempting to want to do the safe thing: go somewhere I know I’ll have a job, stay close to home (where is that again?) to make sure I’m taken of, settle for a relationship that’s comfortable so I don’t have to be alone, etc. On a short term basis, it’s easy to go on this trip thinking that nothing big will happen. I’ve realized my expectations for the next four weeks are slim to none. I’ve taken an apathetic approach thinking that I’ll just go with the flow. No vision. No expectations.

That kind of thinking is for people who aren’t connected to the God of the universe though. I have access to the One who holds tomorrow, and the thousands of tomorrows after that. He is powerful and wants to show Himself powerful, yet I sit here and expect Him to do nothing. Steven Furtick addresses this…

"The God of the Bible can do whatever He pleases. And what pleases Him is to show off His power for His glory and renown. So give Him the opportunity. Dream God-worthy dreams. Pray faith-fueled prayers. Live a life that can be explained only by the existence of a God who is infinitely great."

So…I’m expecting people to be saved during our evening outreach, kids to leave our camp knowing they are children of the King, and that those of us going on this trip will know Him like we never have before. Are those things possible? Yes. Can He still do so much more than this? Yes. So I’m going to start praying He will. I’m praying that He will do the impossible. I want to fill this blog with stories you have trouble believing. I am praying He will show Himself and receive all the glory and honor that is due Him. Will you pray this with me?

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