Saturday, June 25, 2011


Today was a whirlwind. We quickly became a team of about 10 to a team of 17 almost overnight. Our role instantly changed from the group of students doing volunteer work at the Christian school to counselors at Maui Christian Youth Camp. We've been told that next week we're gonna be so tired and we will have -3 hours to ourselves once camp starts. I've come to love seeing the teachers and students at school and now I might never see them again. Since I'm flying out next Monday, the day our second camp ends, I am packing tonight...most of my stuff for good. Wow, times flies (Colossians 4:5 has become so real).

because we work hard, we PLAY hard. 
(my heart already hurts to think of how much i will miss this...)

Tonight our team had the privilege of going to Craig and Valerie Lewis's home on the ocean for dinner. After taking hundreds of pictures combined on about 7 cameras we settled in for some grilled hamburgers then apple pie with ice cream. YUM! [Big thanks to them and their willingness to serve us! What a blessing it was!] Ben eventually found the piano and most of us settled in for some worship songs. Have you ever had a moment you wanted to last forever? In the whirlwind of this day just sitting there and being was enough to make me want to never leave the moment. Just the people you're with, the things you're doing, the way you feel, the truth you've come to know...all that combined became a moment I don't ever want to forget. I loved where we were. I loved that we were singing praises to Him as our response to the way He loves us. I loved the people I was with in that room. I just wanted it to last longer. 
At the same time though, I was so excited for the future. Some of us were talking tonight about how 'the best things in life are unexpected.' The first day we went running we didn't expect it to grow us closer to each other, or to make friends with the people we pass each morning, or to see God work out the prayers throughout the day that we had prayed that morning. When we all sat in the lounge a couple nights ago we didn't plan for everyone to share how Christ is working through them. When Monica mentioned in class that she wanted students to go to Hawaii with her I didn't expect to actually be here. When Maggie stayed with me at Liberty for CFAW last fall we never expected we would need to lean on each other half way across the world. So all this to say: I'm so excited for the unexpectedness of my future. I love the things that are not planned. That's probably the case because after the fact I realize that He had it planned all along. He always has things planned for my good and His glory, and that amazes me. What a loving and faithful God. 
So as camp approaches I am excited for all of the things that are not on the quiet time, the talks I have with my girls, the prayers I pray with my team members and the way God answers them. Then even as I leave this island I am still excited for what I have not planned, those things He has so carefully sculpted before time even began...

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