Friday, June 10, 2011

today: living with eternity in mind

I wasn't planning on writing anything today. Our team members are starting to come in and we've just been hanging out and cleaning. I'm falling more in love with this island and the everlasting God each day. But the Lord has really given me a new perspective and I can't help but share it. 

I've been re-reading the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan over the last couple of days and God has really been working in my heart about how my response to His crazy love for me should look like. As the Lord is pointing out things like pride and selfishness in my heart, I can't help but notice that it's a problem for all of us. I occasionally get on my phone and read through facebook status's and twitter updates and all we talk about is ourselves. We go to work every day, or take classes, or we do whatever we want, then we tell people about it. It's always about us. It's what we've done today and how we feel about it. I do this all the time! But all of these things are so temporary. Good for you if you go to work every day and get everything done that you need to, when you die...that won't matter one bit. I'm glad you're enjoying your summer by hanging out with friends, going to the beach, eating lots of ice cream (oh wait, that's me)...all of that matters only for the moment. I imagine God is begging us to do something that will outlive us, yet we are too busy with our own lives to hear His voice. He asks that we do something, anything, that will actually matter. What have you done today for someone else...someone who doesn't have as much as you or someone who needs His love? Did you know that the world will know we're His disciples simply by the way we love one another (John 13:35)?? Who are you intentionally loving today in a way for someone else to say, "Wow, i want that kind of love"? 

And this is no easy task. I'm just writing about this because God has laid it heavily upon my heart for ME to learn. I am spending this morning asking myself these very questions, not having sufficient answers. There are times when I think that if I didn't believe in Christ my life would look no different. People would think I was just a nice college girl who doesn't drink or chew, or run with the guys who do (gotta throw in some west virginia goodness there!). But really, if I am living a comfortable life that I can tell others about without mentioning the Holy Spirit then something is wrong. I want every day to have to live by faith. From God's perspective, I can't imagine He would want it any other way. He loves when we depend on Him. By ourselves we cannot accomplish anything; we are mere mortals. But He takes what we are willing to give, small moments of faithfulness, and He transfers them through His power into something that is way bigger than ourselves and able to withstand all of time. 
this song by Lecrae has been running through my head since I woke up (hello 4:45am). good thing it's an awesome song!

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