Thursday, June 9, 2011

Monica and Me

[our humble abode]

If I were writing a book this chapter would be entitled "Monica and Me." We've been two peas in a pod the last couple of days. I feel that if I left Hawaii today I would still have learned so much and come back wiser because of the time I have spent with this special person. We've been the only two staying at the day school, waiting for the rest of the team to come in tonight. We fixed pancakes yesterday morning, organized the kitchen, blew up 10 air mattresses, got the "lounge" ready for the team, then helped Mrs. B put away some groceries. We then went to John's house, where the Bonheim's and their daughter Julie are staying. We had such a good time, watching tv and eating dinner with everyone. Then Monica and I made a stop at Savers (think Hawaiian TJ Maxx) on our way back to the school for the night. Now we're both up at 5am, wondering when we'll get used to the time change!

Mr. Bonheim, our trip leader, had a stroke at the end of last week while already in Hawaii and yesterday was the first time we saw him since he was in the hospital. I was amazed at how well he is doing. We had been told that his speech was still slurred and he was very weak. But as I sat there on the couch watching tv and eating ice cream with him I couldn't help but be amazed at the work of our Healer. I can't imagine how this trip would happen without his leadership and guidance and the Lord knows how much we need him. Continue to pray for his strength and for Mrs. B and Julie as they have been doing a wonderful job caring for him!

Today the rest of the team comes and we will be moving into different classrooms and getting started on our work projects. Pray that these team members will quickly gain strength from the time change and that we will be productive in all the work He has given us.

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