Wednesday, June 22, 2011

our weakness = His power

"So, friends, we can now—without hesitation—walk right up to God, into "the Holy Place." Jesus has cleared the way by the blood of His sacrifice, acting as our Priest before God. The "curtain" into God's presence is His body. So let's do it—full of belief, confident that we're presentable inside and out. Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps His Word. Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do, but spurring each other on..." Hebrews 10:19-25 (The Message)

After being together for almost 2 full weeks, our team of 7 sat around last night and many shared their testimonies for the first time. I sat and listened for the most part, taking it all in. I love hearing their stories and how God has woven Himself into each of them. We're all so different- some in high school, some in college. Our accents, where we grew up, what our parents are like, what we enjoy doing, what we look's just all so different. And none of us are perfect; we are very far from it. We all still struggle with things. Paul didn't write about the armor of God in Ephesians 6 because this Christian life is easy. It's a battle! We've said that so many times over the last few days. To follow and listen to our flesh is so easy, especially when those around us are doing the wrong things. But here, among each other, we're stronger. We're able to talk about our scars without being judged. We can lay our hearts on the table and not have to worry about people breaking or stepping on it. Together we are powerful. Many of us become different people in a way. We come face to face with the reality that we actually can be the people we want to be.
Today has been such a fun day! Dayne, Ben, Maggie and I started it early by waking up at 6am and running to the beach. Once we got there we kinda spread out and did our own thing. We sat there: some praying, some doing devotions, some singing. Just sitting there in the presence of the Almighty as the sun rose...there's nothing like it. Then before we left we all took turns praying, glorifying the Holy One and thanking Him for each other and for this opportunity we have to change lives for Him. After running back we had our theology lesson, breakfast, then started the work day up at Haiku. Yesterday was our first work day there and it was DISGUSTING. I made a comment to Maggie saying that I fully understand why God does not dwell in church buildings, they can be so gross! [But can't our hearts sometimes be that way too?? He keeps teaching us the biggest lessons in the smallest things!] After getting rid of our bad attitudes about how utterly disgusting the place was we did some serious work and we have heard Mrs. B say multiple times that she has never seen the church that clean. It's amazing what God will do when you let Him! We were able to go to the beach today while the sun was still out and it was a blast! Then we had our first meeting about camp, assigning jobs and discussing what next week will look like. Everyone is so excited for camp to start and to be able to spend time with the kids!
I don't think I enjoyed today just because of the things we accomplished or talked about though. I think I enjoyed it most because I felt like everyone was so transparent. Wasn't it in 2 Corinthians that Paul talks about his weaknesses? Jesus told him that His power is perfected in weakness. Jesus didn't come to save the righteous or the perfect people. He came to the dirty, weak, and sinful; those are the ones who need a Savior. When we share our weakness with each other, we show Christ's power. So today, when I looked at each of the team member's faces, I saw a little bit more of His strength and His power. And what a beautiful thing that is!

Here's a great song that that explains how others can see Christ in our weaknesses. The lyrics are so powerful...

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